Salesforce Duplications: Understanding the Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

barista editorial board

April 3, 2023 / 3 Min Read

As a revenue operations leader, you know that accurate and up-to-date data is essential for your Salesforce system. After all, your sales team uses this information to close deals, your marketing team uses it to target prospects, and your customer success team uses it to provide exceptional service. However, one of the biggest challenges you may face is Salesforce duplications, which can harm your revenue growth if not addressed promptly. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes and consequences of Salesforce duplications, and explore solutions to prevent them through Salesforce hygiene and automation.


What are Salesforce Duplications and how do they occur?


Salesforce duplications occur when two or more records with similar or identical information exist in your Salesforce system. Duplicate records can be caused by various factors, such as manual data entry errors, data imports from external sources, merging of records, or incomplete data cleansing processes. The most common types of Salesforce duplications include account, contact, lead, and opportunity duplications.


Why are Salesforce Duplications Harmful to Revenue Growth?


Salesforce duplications can cause several problems that can negatively impact your revenue growth. This is one of the most common CRM data leakages. Here are some of the consequences of Salesforce duplications:

Inaccurate CRM Data:

Duplicate records can lead to conflicting information about the same customer or prospect, which can cause confusion and errors in your sales and marketing efforts. For instance, if two sales reps are working on the same account but have different records with different information, they may send conflicting messages or fail to collaborate effectively. This can result in lost opportunities, lower conversion rates, and decreased revenue.

Wasted Time and Resources:

Manually identifying and resolving Salesforce duplications can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, taking away valuable time and energy from revenue-generating activities. Moreover, duplicates can create a cluttered database that makes it difficult to find the information you need quickly.

Poor Customer Experience:

Duplicate records can lead to inconsistent communication and service, which can create a poor customer experience and harm your reputation. For instance, if a customer receives two different emails from your company with different information, they may feel confused and frustrated.


How to Prevent Salesforce Duplications?


Preventing Salesforce duplications requires a combination of Salesforce hygiene practices and automation. Here are some steps you can take to prevent Salesforce duplications:

Define CRM Data Entry Standards:

Establish clear guidelines and standards for data entry, including naming conventions, data formatting, and data validation rules. This can help reduce data entry errors and ensure consistency across your Salesforce system. For instance, you can define a naming convention for accounts and contacts, such as [Company Name] – [Contact Name], to ensure that records are easily recognizable and consistent. This is a crucial part for any CRM data orchestration strategy.

Conduct CRM Data Cleansing:

Regularly review your Salesforce data and identify and merge any duplicate records. Use automated tools to detect and merge duplicate records, such as Duplicate Data Detection and Merging (DDDM) in Salesforce. DDDM allows you to specify which fields to compare and merge, as well as how to handle conflicts between records. You can also use third-party tools such as Clean, RingLead, or DemandTools to help you identify and merge duplicates.

Implement Salesforce Duplications Automation:

Leverage Salesforce automation tools to streamline data entry and reduce the risk of duplications. Use workflows, validation rules, and triggers to automate data entry and ensure data accuracy. For instance, you can set up a workflow that automatically creates a new contact record when a new account is created, or a validation rule that prevents users from creating duplicate records.

Train and Educate your Team on Salesforce Duplications:

Train your team on Salesforce hygiene best practices and the importance of data accuracy.  Encourage them to report any duplications they encounter and provide them with the tools and resources they need to address them promptly.

Monitor CRM Data Quality:

Regularly monitor your Salesforce data quality metrics, such as completeness, accuracy, and consistency, and take corrective action if needed.


Don’t leave your Salesforce duplications to chance


Salesforce duplications can harm your revenue growth by creating inaccurate data, wasting time and resources, and causing a poor customer experience. Preventing Salesforce duplications requires a proactive approach to Salesforce hygiene and automation. By establishing data entry standards, conducting data cleansing, implementing Salesforce automation, training your team, and monitoring data quality, you can ensure that your Salesforce data is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent, and enable your revenue operations team to focus on revenue-generating activities.